Version 5.0. February 24th 2020


This document will help you get started, and what is required of you at the end of your integration.

Contens are:

  1. Test credentials
  2. Program and integrate
  3. Site inspection / Invoice inspection
  4. Moving into production environment

1. Test credentials

While talking to your KAM at Inpay, he/she will chose the Integration method that suites your needs the best, based on conversation with your company.

Your technical contact will then receive an email with Test-Credentials and link to online documentation for the specific method.

2. Program and integrate

Before starting the actual programming, please make sure you have received Test credentials.

  • Inpay merchant id/Custermer ID
  • User name and password to Inpay Test
  • Inside the Inpay Administration, obtain secret key for development.

White list your IP adress'(s) at Inpay
Your system needs special access to communicate with Inpay's server's. To get access we ask you to send an email to [email protected] with your Inpay merchant id/Custermer ID and the IP address'(s) on your servers that will communicate with Inpay's servers. Inpay will then add your IP address to our white list.

Notrification URL
For your system to keep up to date on invoices through Inpay, you need to enter an URL inside the Inpay administration, where Inpay can send Notification's to your system, when an invoice changes status. These notifications will have different kind of information regarding Invoices, status-changes, and other information your system are in need of to keep up-to-date on each individual invoice. You can add the PostBack/Notification URL inside the Administration under Dashboard, and the menu "Change settings + Notification".
(Example on a PostBack URL "")

NOTE: Please do not use port-number in url. Also, please do not have SNI as Mandatory in server setting, as notification then will fail.


  • Invoices (no matter if it PayIn or PayOut) can have many different "invoice_status". When an invoice changes status, Inpay will send a notification via the PostBack URL. A status change could be from invoice_status="pending", to invoice_status="approved".

Collection's only

  • Status "Sum-to-high" and "Sum-to-low": If a payer, pays to much or to little than the amount on the invoice, the "status" on the PostBack URL will be "sum_to_high" or "sum_to_low". It is possible for the merchant to define a default percentage deviation that will be allowed, and thereby get invoice_status=approved. E.g. 5% deviation or 25% deviation. Depending on the goods a merchants are selling, it will be a good idea using this option. When receiving PostBack that money have been received, the PostBack URL will always send a parameter called "invoice_amount" and "received_sum", this will show the difference between the invoice amount the merchant send to the payer and the amount Inpay received from the payer's bank.

PayOut only

  • When using PayOut, an new PayOut invoice will startup using "status" equal "To_be_refunded" or "pending_refund" and then within a short period of time change to "Ready-for-refund" or Refunded.

3. Site inspection / Invoice inspection

To help and to ensure the use of Inpay's services in the most effective way, and to provide all Inpay's experience to you, Inpay will perform a SITE inspection/invoice inspection of the Integration with Inpay.

This Inspection is also to ensure that you uses correct references, descriptions etc.

When you are done with your integration towards Inpay, please send an email to [email protected], with your Inpay merchant id/Custermer ID, asking to peform the site inspection and/or invoice inspection. For Collections please also send url and user/password needed for Inpey TechTeam to pefform site Inspection.


Inpay checks merchant's website for the following parts related to how you present Inpay Services.

The description used for the Inpay Payment method, are within "Top-5 payment methods" on the webpage.
If the website contains a description of Inpay A/S, Inpay checks if the description are adequate and precise.
If the webpage contains more than one category of Payment methods, Inpay checks if the "Inpay Payment method" have been placed in the correct category. It should be "Instant Bank Transfers", "Bank transfer", or "Bank wire transfer". (Not among Wallets nor Credit Cards, etc.)

Inpay have no requirements in relation to the merchant exposing Inpay's logo on the webpage, other than if exposed, correct logo must be used.

Payment flow (buyer's perspective)

Inpay will take the role of being a Shopper/Buyer. Perform a purchase, create an invoice, choose Inpay payment method, and go through the flow.

Check if merchant name is correct when in contact with Inpay's system
Check if amount from Basket are the same as when webpage POST data to Inpay's system
Check if "return_url" works, and if used "cancel_url", and "pending_url"

In general, Inpay checks how the flow feels like. (Inpay have an extensive experience of what Shoppers like/don't like, when using Bank transfers, and Inpay try using this experience to help merchant make get an optimal webpage-integration towards Inpay)

Inpay also checks if Merchant are ticked "OK" on al bullets under "Integration Status", in the BackEnd system, and other things crucial for the merchant to go LIVE.


Amongst other checks, Inpay will look at the invoices you have created in TEST, to see if invoices have required info, that the currencies your have required in contract also have been tested, that Notification url are working correctly.

Text's to descibe Inpay as Payment Method

When describing Inpay services on you webpage, please use one of these descriptions. Please do not use other description than the ones below.

  • Instant Bank Payment.
  • Instant online Bank Payment.
  • Pay using your online bank with Inpay.
  • Pay using your online bank.
  • Pay using your online bank - easy and secure.
  • Inpay is a great way to pay online around the world using your local bank account.

4. Moving into production environment

Once you have gone through integration and site inspection/invoice inspection agreement are ready to move into the production environment. This will happen automatically when all is ready, both contractual and technical.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Inpay for help.